My name is Sofia

I love traveling. I Create and Paint emotions.

Here I share my artistic path and passion which have been leading me so far as Syamhope.

What they say about me and my Art...

See these notes?

They’re people who have met my art in person and left their comment

What do they say? Have a look at their message:

  • Magic. Going to places with other eyes.”
  • "It's incredible the Trajectory and the Effort dedicated since the idea started, the travel and the exhibition. The same art exhibition is becoming”
  • “Nourishing, lively experience ."
  • “To me it seems really nice the way you transmit with your art. It feels warm. Thanks."
  • "It brings Life to the environment.”


Sofia Candeo - Syamhope in art - is a traveling creative and specializes in traveling illustration and oil painting.

Her deep interest in colors and handmade leads her to experiment in the artistic and artisanal field, growing her passion for art over the years.

In Padua, her hometown, she deeps the illustration topic at the Scuola Internazionale di Comics, Academy of Visual Art and New Media.

In 2021, she started her travel to Córdoba to develop her creativity and artistic career. Today she's still there growing her artistic education at the Antonio Povedano Academy and C3A, Contemporary Art Center.

Here, she starts to take part in several artistic collaborations, and exhibitions; also she offers Syamhope Art as a performance through Live Drawing Improvisation during live music.

Also, in 2023 Sofia Candeo won the Pedro Lobato 17th Prize for Rapid Painting, in Ubrique, and started her career as a drawing and creative development professor in the Cordobese Civic Centers. In addition, Syamhope Art keeps growing so much that this year, Sofia is invited as Artist for the live performance of La Noche Blanca 2024 in Malaga.

Moreover, during the years she maintains her artistic polyvalence. In fact, she develops a diverse number of styles to deepen the creative process, especially thanks to sketchbooks and travel books.

She develops Syamhope projects always focusing on a social and cultural aspect. In this way, she combines both her interest and education in the human sciences and linguistic mediation. She differs in her interest in traditional techniques and up-cycled supports, too.

Why Syamhope?

The name “Syamhope” represents my way up here and my hope to follow my artistic passion per l’arte. It's not easy to believe in your dreams however, we should keep fighting for them.

So, I hope that by sharing these Cre-Activities I'll share with you the energy to follow yours.

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